Nazi, World Dominance, and Politics - Interviews with Russians in Moscow - January 2004

Author: Dimitry Paranyushkin (on 22 Dec 2009)
"The world-dominance is a Nazy philosophy. President of USA is a Nazi himself. He wants dominance in the world and he leads the world towards the global war." - Vadim

The questions below were sent to us by Way to Russia readers. Our writers go out on the streets and ask exact same questions to ordinary Russians they meet. Their answers are below. Want to ask a question? Leave a comment here or on our Facebook page.

Vita, Lady in her late twenties, working in the field of cosmetics.


Question: "What could I do to look like a native Russian girl?"
A: A typical Russian girl is blonde and quite tall. She is modest, also. Just make yourself like that.

Question: "Is there a lot of racism in Russia? Do any black people live there?"

A: There are black people in Russia, most of them are studying, I guess. There is also a racism in Russia, but the special one. We treat bad people from Caucuses, but not black ones.

Question: "What is the most popular food that you eat?"
A: Borsch.

Question: "Why are so many Russian woman looking to marry a man from the west. Is this because of more money and a better life or is it that Russian men do not treat Russian women well?"

A: Money is the only reason. Women just want to improve their lifes.

Question: What do you think about the influence of the English language in the Russian, especially with the introduction of the occidental music and the internet?

A: Languages are mixing. It is normal. Nowadays, there are many Russians who can travel and study abroad, they just bring foreign words with them.

Question: "Are Russians really ruthless, cynical and prone to tragedy?"
A: Well, that is hour history which taught us to be cynical. We simply don’t wait for something good to happen.

Question: "What does the average person earn. How much does an apartment cost to rent. Do you think you will be able to own a home."

A: This is a hard question. The life differs great in the big cities and province. Speaking about Moscow and Saint Petersburg, I guess, the average salary is about 500 USD, while rent can be around 350 USD. It’s expensive to buy the property in Moscow, usual person can’t afford it. However you can buy the house in province. The average salary there is 150 US, rent – 50 US.

Question: "What are the good and bad things about Russia?"

A: Well, I don’t know, I can’t think about bad things, but the best thing about Russia – good Russian people.

Question: "Do you think that the US president is doing the right thing."

A: Yes, he is doing right. I think he acts in a way to make his country more powerful.

Question: "Would foreigners living in Russia ever be accepted as real Russians?"

A: No, never. A foreigner wasn’t born there and wasn’t grown up – he will also miss something.

Question: "What can you say about your president Putin?"

A: He’s ok.

Question: "How good is sex with Russian women?"

A: Very good, I would say just cool.

Question: "What is Russia's future? What will Russian life be like in twenty years?"

A: Russia will be more European. The influence of Europe in our day to day life will grow.

Question: "If USA opens immigration to Russia would you like to come to US? If yes, why?"
A: No. I don’t want to leave Russia. I could immigrate earlier, but I didn’t.



Marina, a manager


Question: "What could I do to look like a native Russian girl?"
A: Native Russian girl is blonde and tall, but not beautiful, just nice.

Question: "Is there a lot of racism in Russia? Do any black people live there?"
A: Russia is a huge country and there are many different people who live here. We used to live with people who look not like we. There is no racism in our country.

Question: "What is the most popular food that you eat?"
A: Pizza.

Question: "Why are so many Russian woman looking to marry a man from the west. Is this because of more money and a better life or is it that Russian men do not treat Russian women well?"
A: The first option in the question is the answer.

Question: What do you think about the influence of the English language in the Russian, especially with the introduction of the occidental music and the internet?
A: This influence is natural, nothing to be afraid of.

Question: "Are Russians really ruthless, cynical and prone to tragedy?"
A: The life here is so hard, that you’ve got to be ruthless, cynical and prone to tradegy.

Question: "What does the average person earn. How much does an apartment cost to rent. Do you think you will be able to own a home."
A: Rich Russians can afford the house, other people can’t buy it. The average salary is 600 USD, the rent is about 300 USD.

Question: "What are the good and bad things about Russia?"
A: The good thing: Russia is our Motherland. There are no bad things I can remmember.

Question: "Do you think that the US president is doing the right thing."
A: I don’t care about politicians.

Question: "Would foreigners living in Russia ever be accepted as real Russians?"
A: Never.

Question: "What can you say about your president Putin?"
A: He is better than our previous president and he is doing right things.

Question: "How good is sex with Russian women?"
A: Don’t know for sure, guess, sex is good.

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Question: "What is Russia's future? What will Russian life be like in twenty years?"
A: I hope Russia will be prosperous and powerful country. We have a good economy growth tendency now.

Question: "If USA opens immigration to Russia would you like to come to US? If yes, why?"
A: No I don’t want to go to USA.



Vadim is a student of one of the most prestigious Russian universities – MGIMO (Institute of International Relations). However, he spends most of time hanging out with the friends.


Question: "What do you think of America and its world-dominating politics. Or do you have enough problems in Russia itself, not to worry too much about that?"

A: The world-dominance is a Nazy philosophy. President of USA is a Nazi himself. He wants dominance in the world and he leads the world towards the global war.

Question: "Do you think life in Russia is very weird?"
A: Russia can’t be rationalized, it is a very special place.

Question: "How Russian newscasters report news to their viewers, including women?"
A: This is a stupid question. Mass media are the same in every country.

Question: "Are Russians okay with people from Finland and Sweden now? Long ago we had many wars..."
A: Strange question. I’m not a Nazy. I like everybody. These northern guys from Finland and Sweden are ok for me.

Quesiton: "What are prices and taxes like in Russia?"
A: Taxes in Russia are low, prices are low as well. Though in Moscow prices are quite high.

Question: "How to find the path to a Russian heart? Is there anything that attracts Russians, that may interest them?"
A: Russians like money.

Question: "What do you do for fun?"
A: I like clubs and traveling. I try to implement “4S” formula in my life. You know: sex, sun, sea and sand.

Question: "How to Russian people treat each other"
A: Nobody cares about each other.

Question: "What the russia people think about the russian cars, in comparation with japanese cars, or american cars"
A: Russian cars would be on it’s place in ancient times, not in 21st century.

Question: "Why Russians can face life only through drinking vodka and hiding behind the mask of indifference?"
A:. It’s not true. Russians face the reality as it is. We drink vodka just to escape from what we face.

Question: "What Russian books do you like?"
A: Pushkin, Bulgakov, Lermontov, Chekhov.

Some comments from the past – leave yours below...

Comment (1/02/04): "I first found your site here a few weeks ago and found it very interesting, but the answers to the questions that have been asked here have been a bit surprising and alarming. Vadim answered a question about what he thought about America and its world dominating politics, first of all this question is slanted in a way so that it is already assumed that my country wants to dominate the world. I think who ever wrote this question has certain political leanings that would have the people who answer these questions answer this question in a negative way. It is very troubling to read Vadim`s reply to the question about my country, what would cause a young person in your country to compare Hitler or Nazi`s to my president or my government. I would like to know if Vadim or anyone else who believes that we are a bunch of world dominating Nazi`s really knows anything about my people or my country. Did the Nazi`s ever send their doctors and rescue teams to natural disasters around the world when tragdies struck like floods or earthquakes or famines. Did the Nazi`s ever give food and money and oil to countries when they needed help, with out ever asking for anything in return. Did the Nazi`s ever send their people off to fight in wars where tens of thousands of their people would surley die to protect those who could not protect themsleves. I think that Vadim is not aware of the fact that we have been giving food, money, and other things such as tractors and other industrial equiptment to your country for more than twenty five years now, and without asking for repayment of the billions of dollars in this forign aid we have sent to his country. We have also given to every country on this planet, not only to feed those who are less fortunate and in need, but also to make sure that we stablize their economies, which should in therory make for a more peaceful world. It is because of the love in our hearts for all people that we do these things, it is also because we want as much as any people want to live in a peacefull world. My country has sent our men off to many different places around the world to stop mass murder, rape and torture that many different dictators have inflicted on their own people as well as their neighbors. To have someone call my president a Nazi is a serious insult, because if Vadim truely believes this he must also believe that all of my people are the same way. I honestly hope that the vast majority of your people dont hold this kind of opinion about my people. Vadim and the other young people who answer the questions on your web site are the future of your country. I hope that the future relationship between our two countries will be a good and friendly relationship, but this can only happen if we can trust in each other. If we demonize each other and distrust each other how can we have a good relationship. I really doubt you will publish my letter to you, but i do hope you give my thoughts about this subject some serious thought. I would also like to know why you think it is necessary to ask women about sexual questions, I think these questions are not only stupid, but also very insulting to both the men and more importantly to the women. I think that any man who would ask these kinds of questions is a sexually demented pervert, and these kinds of questions dont help anyone. I am sorry if my letter is a little strong in my views and opinions, but i dont like to be associated with Nazi`s, and I dont think that Vadim is a bad person for expressing his views,I just think he is very poorly educated or has a very negative view of my people.
Dave Jarveis"
Answer: We personally don't share Vadim's point of view, so, please, don't think that all Russians think the way he does. As we have said a lot of times before, these interviews reflect the point of view of the person who is asked the questions, and we will publish them whatever the answers will be, because we want to present the true image of Russians, without any censorship.
The same applies to the questions we receive: if somebody wants to ask women sexual questions, we will do it, because this is what the readers of our site want to know. It is up to women then whether to answer the question or not. From our own experience, they were quite eager to answer sexual questions, actually (just look at their answers in the interviews).

Comment (27/02/04): "Greetings. I'm Sergio, from Brazil. I found this site searching for "facts about russian woman", using the Google search engine. I thought some articles very enlightening. I always nourished affection for the Russia and its people, despite of the negative marketing promoted by the USA all these years. I hope some day to know your country. As I said above, I found this site, searching for facts about russian woman. The reason for searching such matter is that I'm in touch with a russian woman, of 23 years old. I heard stories about how nice russian women are, etc, etc. Since then, I have visited many sites, preferential the free ones. One of the facts the I evidenced is: Yes, they are very beautiful indeed. But, I'm a person that are not interested for what is in the surface only. So I decided to research more, before to continue. These girl with who I have talked to, seems to be, until now, decent and honest. Her behaviour until now has being admirable. I have being cautious, but I'm optimistic about us. I think that things will works fine. So, I'd like to thank you for all information provided by your site. They helped me a lot. Thank you very much. My best regards for all russian people,

Comment (11/02/04): "i am from macedonia and find you searching something of russia and russians.i read some of your questions and i think that they are to political and with hiden atentions.
please be more objectiv.
ask obout treir way of living(a ordinary and no ordinary day),opinions obout kulturel events, religion,political BUT not wit ewill atentions.
please you to be mediator for ewerione who want a friend from russia(but no agenci brocken hards :) ) because that is how you will help to us all in cultural entradement.i proppose closer contakts of intelegence,yung tallents, "taught market" i use to call it.i reali wantr to contakt and with you eather.i am studiing filology at faculty.for every case my e-mail is .
please dont abus it. i am hoping for and weating your answer. thanks
question: are the russians in a move to contact with other ordinary people, poets, muzicians,students of other countries?
especially if they are slavonics and ortodox?"



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