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Request studying in russia

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How I wish to study in the country of brotherly and friendly russia  and I would like to study in it because they are interested in science and his students and I hope to catch approval to study at the university  and that's where my university is bombed so, did not keep me a place where I wanted to study, I loved that resort to study at university and let tell you I am an active and interested man studying and reading books and my poverty doesn't hinder   continue educational career   and you will see it with your own eyes when brought to study at university I hope to study Bachelor of Medical science or pharmacy  I'll wait for your response  and any thing you order for addmission, I'm ready for that dears
My sincere greetings to you
All thanks and appreciation from friendly yemen to you
I would like to study in russian universities as TSU and I'm confident of you to support me
I wish to study russian language
I hope to study in friendly russia

Sincerly hoping response
Warm regards
asked Dec 6, 2015 in Russian Visa by esam ayesh (120 points)

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