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Can you "pause" a 90-day business visa?

+1 vote

I hold an EU passport and I'm planning to apply for a double-entry business visa, valid for up to 90 days. Taking the Trans-Siberian, I would like to stop in Mongolia for a while (two months in Russia, one month in Mongolia and one more month in Russia). Does that work with sucha a visa? Does 90 days mean we can stay in Russia for a maximum 90 days over 120 days (what we would like), or does it mean that we can enter the country twice during a period of maximum 90 days? If the latter is correct, do we have any other options to do what we want? Or do we need to shorten our trip to both Russia and Mongolia to max 90 days?

Many thanks in advance!
asked Jan 7, 2016 in Russian Visa by FlyingLundi (150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
No, a 90-day visa is only valid for 90 days, so it won't work for you. In your case you need a 6-month visa. Alternatively you could shorten your trip or simply get another business visa once you're in Mongolia.
answered Jan 24, 2016 by admin (5,930 points)