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Question regarding double entry visa, Trans-Siberian, etc...

+1 vote

I have been trying to plan a trip to Russia from the USA for several months; however, my sister now wants me to come visit her in Western Europe. I don't have the money for two transatlantic trips, so I'm trying to find out if it would be possible for me to combine the trips. I was hoping to be able to fly into Moscow, visit Moscow and St. Petersburg for a few days, then travel (preferably by train) to Spain, then, after a couple of weeks in Western Europe, take the train back from Germany to Moscow for my return flight to the USA.

What I need to know is how my visa would have to be scheduled/applied for. I assume this would require a double entry visa. Are double entry visas only available as business visas? The Russian Embassy website seemed to indicate that a tourist visa could be designated "double entry" for a fee of $50.00 USD. Would I need to make accommodation arrangements prior to applying for my invitation? What kind of proof of itinerary is required? Is insurance required to be granted a visa? Thank you for your help.


W. Scott Lewis
asked Mar 5, 2015 in Russian Visa by ScottLewis (170 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Hello Scott,

Double-entry tourist Russian visa is not an option for you, because it's only valid if you're exiting/entering from a CIS country, which Spain and any other EU country is not.

You could get a double-entry business visa though, as this would work out pretty well. It's valid for 3 months and is a good option. Mind, "business" is just a name, it's actually a kind of extended version of a tourist visa meaning you're in Russia on some "business", which can be exploring opportunities, visiting exhibitions, etc. so it should work out.

You can learn more and apply on http://waytorussia.net/Travel/VisaSupport.html
answered Mar 5, 2015 by WayToRussia (3,930 points)
selected Mar 5, 2015 by ScottLewis