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Information about moving to Russia for new electronic component business

0 votes
This is Win Source, I am running an online Electronic Components Business in China from years it is running successfully. This was the first and the only cross-border platform concentrating on selling Hot-Sale products and (EOL-End of life). It has also branches in Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippine etc for embedded ICs, semiconductors, passives, discrete, Connectors, interconnects electro-mechanical parts etc.

Recently I have visited US and Germany for checking their market and now I want to run my this business in Russia, for that  I like to come to Russia. I have started communication with relevant persons too but if someone could guide me about visa process, hoteling, market levels, transportation, living cost and other relevant things so I will be really thankful. So please guide me that how should I shift my business in Russia. How could I manage my all locations.


Competitive pricing
Hot-Sale and hard-to-find inventory
Original and authentic inventory
High Quality Service
Professional Teams
Over 500,000 SKU’s
Customer Service


Audio products
Battery products
Circuit protection
Connectors, Interconnects
Crystals and Oscillators
Discrete semiconductor products
Memory cards, Modules
Integrated circuits
Sensors, Transducers
Boxes, Enclosures, Racks
Cable assemblies
Cables, Wires
Inductors, Coils, Chokes
Variable resistors
Power supplies
Fans, Thermal management
Hardware, Fasteners
Motors, Solenoids, Modules
Programmers, Dev systems
Soldering, De-soldering

We got a very good reputation due that we understand how important the quality, delivery and price is to the success of your projects. It is our goal to exceed our customers’ expectation through our total commitment to quality, continuously improve our quality systems and understand that reliability is the key to customer satisfaction. We understand that our customers need more than a supplier, but they need a strategic partner in their material chain.

In the future, Win Source will continue to innovate, improve the efficiency of business operations, raise high management level and strengthen core competitiveness in order to provide the new and old customers with the superior service and establish a good long-term cooperative relationship with customers. Insisting on our concept of the past at the same time, we will create a new bright future in the industry!
asked Nov 25, 2016 in About Russia by winsourceru (120 points)
edited Nov 27, 2016 by winsourceru

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