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Legal advice for police holding luggage in Moscow police department

0 votes
Is it possible for you to give me suggestion?
My friend was robbed by two guys in Moscow, but the police department is holding her luggage and money as evidence . She was reported to the police. She cannot fly to Canada.

Does it need court to release this simple case? Is there way to solve this simple case. There were no body injury.

She wants to take back the luggage and money then fly to Canada right away. Does she need to go to the court? How should she do? The police got those two guys and asked my friend to go to police by reporting the whole case. But the police needs to hold her luggage as evidence.. Is there any way you could give me advice.
Thanks in advance.
my email address is : konkatoys@yahoo.com

Your prompt response to this matter shall be much appreciated
William Lee
asked May 24, 2017 in Moscow by konkatoys (150 points)

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