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UK Visa invitation letter for a Russian friend...

+1 vote

Just two quick questions regarding visa invitation letters for Russian friend travelling to the UK.

What details do I need to write... other than why and when they visit?

And do I write the letter to my Russian friend or if I am wring to the embassy? For example... Dear Visa Issuing Officer.

Thanks very much for any help..
asked Mar 5, 2015 in Russian Visa by jay90 (170 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
You are writing the letter for the British embassy. Dear Sirs and/or Madam should do it.

You should write who is coming (and your relationship to this person), why, and when. It's also good to talk more that it's your friend and you know each other and you saw each other before etc. Just to make sure the visa officers understand that it's your friend. It's also good if you provide this person's passport number as well (this shows you have some communication going on). Usually a hand-written (not printer) invitation letter scanned and then sent to your friend by e-mail should work very well. Make sure your friend has some sort of proof of sufficient income, otherwise I advise you to provide this (in the form of your bank statement - recent - or a letter from your employer confirming you're getting a decent salary (at least 24K a year).
answered Mar 5, 2015 by WayToRussia (3,930 points)
selected Mar 5, 2015 by jay90