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Is it possible to buy your travel guide in electronic version?

+1 vote
We are independent travellers and we will soon visit Russia as part of a 6 months trip around Asia. We are satisfied about the visa service your provided us and we find really useful information to prepare our trip on your website so we would like to buy your travel guide on Russia. Nethertheless the problem we face is that we don't have any fix address where to deliver our potential purchase as we are currently traveling. Would it be possible to buy your guide in an downloadable electronic version (we won't have all the time a good internet access)? Otherwise do you have any business partner in Astrakhan, Volgograd (we will enter Russia from Kazakhstan near the Volga delta) or in Uzbekistan where we would be able to collect a paper version of the guide in case we would buy it?
asked May 7, 2015 in About Russia by basile.meyer (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello and thank you for wanting to support us and to buy the guide book!

We will make the electronic version available very soon, in about a month.

When are you going to travel to Russia? If it happens before that, we could deliver the printed version to Volgograd to our partners' office and you could pick it up from there.

Enjoy your trip and glad that you found our website helpful!
answered May 14, 2015 by admin (5,930 points)