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Applying VISA outside of home country - where is the best/fastest?

+1 vote
I am planning to travel to Russia in less than two weeks. However I have encountered many difficulties and I am just one step away from getting the VISA.

I currently have:
application (will be filled very quickly)
4 passport sized photos
Air tickets in and out of Russia
a valid Passport of Japan
cash for application
invitation letter
Hotel voucher
Tour voucher

My question is: In Europe, where is the most efficient place to acquire visa within 3 days. Money is not the problem, I need the visa since all bookings are made in advance. I have heard that in Lithuania it is speedy to have visa issued for Japanese citizen. Or if possible I would like to know where I can have my visa problem resolved, may it be UK, Croatia, Poland, etc... Thus I would like to confirm with you before hand.

Thank you very much for your patience and answer!!

asked May 16, 2015 in Russian Visa by michael1412 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I think you're right about the Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia).

The only problem is that there's a law according to which you can only get a tourist Russian visa in the country you have permanent / temporary residency for 90 days and longer, so as a Japanese citizen you might encounter problems in EU countries.

However, as Baltic states are the new members and UK is anyway thinking about leaving the EU, maybe the rules are not that strict there.

Maybe you can try and then tell us how it worked :)
answered May 19, 2015 by admin (5,930 points)