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What do I do if I'm unsure of my travel dates?

0 votes
I would like to apply for a Russian visa support document and visa. My mother is hospitalized in St. Peteresburg, Russia and I may need to travel there as she is in critical condition. I'm waiting on medical reports, but would like to go ahead and get the visa process started. The visa support application asks for specific travel dates. What should I put on those dates? Should I wait until we decide that we are going?
asked Sep 6, 2015 in Russian Visa by JapeEscape (120 points)

1 Answer

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Dear JapeEscape,
Try to put approximate data if possible. YOu can put the maximum period - 30 days, during which you are sure you will visit Russia.

Or if unsure, I think better to apply for visa later and describe your situation, ask for more prompt visa.
answered Sep 6, 2015 by Victoria (420 points)