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Malfunction on your Business visa support page

0 votes

Several times today I have tried to apply for support documents for a 30-day single-entry Business visa on your site. After selecting the 7 day delivery opinion at $125, I have completed the entire form. Upon clicking Submit, it keeps rejecting the submission because it says that the email address has not been entered, but it has been entered and it is correct.

I have had to find another service, but it would be good for the future if you fix this bug.

BTW... My browser in Google Chrome.
asked Mar 10, 2016 in Russian Visa by Tuktu (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hm that's strange... thank you for letting us know! I think it's because it didn't recognize your email subdomain as a valid one.
answered Mar 19, 2016 by admin (5,930 points)