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Long term visa

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Hello Way To Russia, I hope you can help me, I have a unique situation. I am a Canadian female riding a motorcycle around the world on a self-guided route which includes Russia. The easiest visa I can apply for is a tourist visa, which only gives me 30 days in Russia. I need much more time than that as I am writing a book and documenting this trip in every aspect. I cannot ride my motorcycle safely across Russia in only 30 days. 60 days would be better, 90 days perfect.

I understand i can apply for a private visa and perhaps have some friends invite me but this takes time, paperwork and is costly.

I am not travelling into Russia until the summer of 2017 BUT I need to apply for the visa BEFORE leaving my country of citizenship, which is Canada. I am starting the second part of my world tour before Christmas, so I really need this visa BEFORE Christmas this year.

My thought was to try and apply for the Long-Term or Business visa. My question to you is, in your experience, how successful do you think I will be applying for a business visa? I have no contacts in Russia to do with business BUT I am including Russia in my book (I am a professional writer with many published stories). I can say I'm using the trip to RESEARCH my book and perhaps I can find a conference or two to attend in the country.

Do you think this will be a good enough reason to apply for the business visa or do you have doubts and can you suggest something, anything, that can get me more time in Russia and is something I can do quickly because of my time frame.

Thank you very much for your help and advice.

asked Nov 16, 2016 in Russian Visa by Heather L (120 points)

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