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Which is better - The Red Arrow or Grand Express train from Moscow to St. Petersburg?

+1 vote
Hi there

We're two adults and two infants and wanting to travel in a little style between Moscow and St Petersburg. What would be better, the Red Arrow or the Grand Express. Are there any good website pictures of these trains (interiors etc). Also what would the general prices be for an August trip? We've tried googling but can't come up with definitive information.

Flown Kiwi
asked Mar 5, 2015 in Transport by FlownKiwi (170 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
I prefer Red Arrow because this is more of a classic train, so they really have to hold on to their image. Grand Express is also good, so I'd recommend you to choose basing on the price and on availability and the time of departure.

In general Red Arrow has something a bit nostalgic and old school about it, while Grand Express is more about the present. If you're more into the a slow ride check out the Volga train that departs St. Petersburg at 16.00 and arrives to Moscow around midnight. It stops everywhere and you'll be able to see the whole way from your window, which can be quite interesting as well...

You can read more about selected Moscow - St. Petersburg trains in our guide on http://www.waytorussia.net/Transport/Timetables/MoscowPetersburg.html

answered Mar 5, 2015 by WayToRussia (3,930 points)
selected Mar 5, 2015 by FlownKiwi