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UK citizen obtaining Russian Visa from Sweden

+1 vote
My husband (an Irish citizen though employed in Sweden by his UK company) and I (UK citizen) are temporary residents (for a year) in Stockholm and we're looking to visit Moscow and St Petersburg at Easter for 5 days on a Tourist Visa. When applying via the Visa agency in Stockholm we were asked for our Swedish personnumber to prove that we have been resident in Sweden for 3 months. When I advised that we have recently moved and I don't have a personnumber (we're not entitled to a personnumber as we're staying for less than a year) I was advised that I should apply via the Embassy in the UK. This however is not possible because of the need to physically visit the Visa centres in the UK. Please can you advise if this is a real restriction to us visiting Russia at Easter, or if there is away of us obtaining a Visa?

Also its worth noting that the cost we were quoted for a single tourist Visa for UK citizens is c.£82 (not £30 as mentioned in one of your articles).

Many thanks in advance.

asked Feb 2, 2017 in Russian Visa by gstephens (130 points)

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