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How long to book a hotel in Russia?

+1 vote
First off I wanted to say thank you for always answering my questions in a speedy manner with a lot of detail. It is much appreciated as finding info on Russian Visas has been difficult as the answered presented in other sites are vague.

My question is, I am going to be in Russian from May 20-June 4. I know you told me I have 7 days to register my visa in my hotel. My question is, do I have to have my hotel booking for May 20-June 4th? Or could I just shorten it to a few days like May 26-May 30 that way I can still register my visa but instead of staying at the hotel I can stay with a someone. The visa I have is a tourist visa with a hotel but I was wondering if this was a way to have a shorter time in the hotel as I will mostly be staying with someone. Please let me know the best option! Thank you once again!
asked May 2, 2015 in Russian Visa by Julian Rodriguez (190 points)
edited May 6, 2015 by Julian Rodriguez

1 Answer

0 votes
Sure, you can stay where you want. The hotel would register you when you stay there, for the dates you're staying, but you can also ask them to register you for the first duration of your visa. If they start to be difficult about that, use the visa support company to register your visa – usually they charge $20 US or ask the host you're staying with – they can do it at any post office for $5 US.
answered May 14, 2015 by admin (5,930 points)