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Alaska to Russia

+1 vote

I am living currently in the Eastern part of the United states and I was hoping to one day take a car trip from the Eastern part of the US up into Russia. My question is there such thing as a ferry that takes cars or people from Alaska into Eastern Russia and if there is are there roads from Eastern Russia that would lead me to the Western part of Russia such as Moscow and St. Petersburg etc.

Can anyone give any assistance,

asked Mar 6, 2015 in Transport by hershy108 (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Another 'optimist'. Have you actually looked at a map of the russian far east? Did you see any roads on it? The short answer is 'no' at least not in the sense you are thinking. There are about 3 reliable ways into the russian far east...

1 Magadan > Yakutsk > Skovorodino > Western Russia. The roads are extremely bad.
Ship the car in a 20' container from the western US.
The car will need to something really special to cope with the roads on this route and cars can only do this route in late late summer when the rivers are low enough. 4x4 and then some.
2 Vanino > Khabarovsk > Western Russia.
Ship car in 20' container to Japan and take ferry to sakhalin island and then ferry to Vanino port. Then a few 100's of kms of crap dirt road to Khabarovsk. 4x4 would be okay.
3 Vladivostock > Western Russia. Ship car to Vladivostock in 20' container. This is the easiest route. 4x4 good, but 2wd cars can make the trip. Quite alot of crap dirt roads in Siberia. Trip time probably 4-5 weeks on this route. 9,000kms to Moscow and another 700kms to StP.

These trips require alot of planning and judging by the questions you asked, I'd say don't do it.

answered Mar 6, 2015 by dittrich (170 points)

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