Getting to and from Russia by Bus, Routes, Eurolines, etc.
Bus Routes to and From Russia
Here's a list of bus companies that operate international routes to and from Russia.
Baltic States - Russia
You can see Euroline's latest bus schedule, prices, and reserve a seat at
See information about their routes, schedules and prices at International Bus Schedules and Prices section.
You can also contact Eurolines in Russia and Baltic States directly for the latest timetables, prices, and to reserve a ticket:
Eurolines Russia / Moscow Ticket Office. Address and bus departure: Leningradski railway station Moscow (second floor, where the international ticket sales offices are). Phones: +7 (095) 975-2574, (095) 975-3309, internet:
Eurolines Russia / St. Petersburg. Address: Shkapina street, #10. ticket sales: on the right of Baltiiski railway station, in a row of stalls. bus departs: in front of Baltiski railway station, next to a small square. Nobody speaks English there!!! Phones: +7 (812) 168-2740, (812) 168-2748, internet:
Eurolines Latvia / Riga. Address: Praga street, #1 (autostation). Phone: +37 17 214080. internet: - you can get to Riga by a cheap RyanAir or EasyJet flight from London or Berlin.
Eurolines Lithuania / Vilnius. Address: Sodu street, #22 (autostation. Phone: +37 26 800909., Fax: +37 02 25 13 76.
Eurolines Estonia / Tallinn. Address: Lastekodu street, #46. Phone: +372 680 0909, +372 681 3488 internet: - you can get to Tallin by a cheap RyanAir or EasyJet flight from London or Berlin.
Finland - Russia
The operators in the office don't speak English, so it's better to come to their office directly to reserve / buy a ticket. One way ticket St. Petersburg - Helsinki costs 1100 roubles (260 Finn Marks, or $38 US)
Savavto ticket office & buses depart from: St. Petersburg, Pulkovskaya Hotel, Pobedy square (p`loschad). Metro: Moskovskaya. Open hours: from 10.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 19.30 daily. Phone: +7 (812) 123-5125
GoldLine & MurmanskAutoTrans. There's a bus route between Murmansk (Russia) and Rovaniemi (Finland) operated by the Finnish company GoldLine (or FinnBus) and Russian Murmanskautotrans, their website is there's an English version and contacts in Finland. The contacts of Murmanskautotrans in Murmansk are +7 (8152) 421-154 (Russian only).
The schedule can be found at
The bus goes Monday to Friday from Murmansk (Russia) at 8.30am, through Ivalo (Findland, north) and to Rovaniemi (arriving at 20.35).
The price is about 30-50 EUR for one-way trip. You can then get from Rovaniemi to Helsinki by train through Oulu and Vaasa (about 12 hours trip).
Germany - Russia
Gulliver Reisen. Gulliver Reisen is a German company that has bus routes from Germany to Russia, offers discounts for young people.
Gulliver Reisen Germany. Phone: +49 30 10 38 0, Fax: +49 30 10 38 20 Eurolines Germany / Deutsche Touring GMbH. Internet: (in german & english).
Berlin Linien Bus. A German bus company, offers discounts for young people. Internet:
Becker Reisen. A German bus company, runs buses from London, UK through all Europe (France, Germany, Holland, Poland) to Russia. Internet:
Bus Passes
Go to -- it has time schedules, conditions, map of the countries this pass is valid in and pass fares.
Transit Visas
See Russian Visa / Transit Visas for the list of the countries for which you might need a transit visa.
If you choose a route to Russia that goes through Belarus or Ukraine you'll surely need a transit visa (unless you're a CIS citizen). The transit visa exists to make money on the travellers, so the price of the visa is about $30-$40 and you can get it in the country's embassy, but not at the border.
To avoid extra visa hassles you can go to Russia through Baltic States, it's unlikely that you will need a visa for Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The Baltic states are very nice countries to visit, and your travel will not cost more (even less, especially if your first destination is St. Petersburg). (See Russian Visa / Transit Visas for the list of the countries for which you might need a transit visa.)
So, the best thing to do is to compare how much time and money you'll spend on direct trave and transit visas, and on indirect travel, and choose the best option. It always depends on where you are now and what travel options you have.
Trip Duration & Price
How to Book
You can buy the bus tickets direcly from the bus company's offices in the city you're in. Or you can reserve a ticket by the phone or internet and then buy it in the day of your departure (1 hour before departure in Eurolines).