Part 4: Basic Phrases - Russian Language Tutorial

Author: Dimitry Paranyushkin (on 01 Feb 2015)
Here are some basic Russian words and phrases, such as "hello", "yes" and "no", which can make your life much easier. Even if you don't have any plans to speak Russian, learning these can be a real ice-breaker when you meet a Russian – they'll love it if you can say "hi" or tell them your age in Russian.


english russian pronounced hear it!
      win media quicktime
yes da listen listen
no net listen listen
hi pri`vet listen listen
hello zd`rravstvuite listen listen
bye po`ka listen listen
goodbye dosvi`daniya listen listen
good morning доброе утро 'dobroye 'ootro listen listen
good afternoon добрый день 'dobry 'den' listen listen
good evening добрый вечер 'dobry 'vecher listen listen
good night спокойной ночи spo'koinoi 'nochi listen listen
I don't undersand ya ne poni`mayu listen listen
do you understand? вы понимаете? vy poni'maete? listen listen
please, write this напишите, пожалуйста napi'shite po'zhaluista listen listen
excuse me izvi`nite listen listen
sorry pros`tite listen listen
please po`zhaluista listen listen
thank you spa`sibo listen listen
no, thank you net, spa`sibo listen listen
what ch`to listen listen
this `eto listen listen
what's this   ch`to `eto listen listen
i don't speak russian ya ne govo'ryu po russki listen listen
do you speak english vy govo'rite po ang'liiski listen listen
I'm from England ya iz 'anglii listen listen
I'm from America ya iz a'meriki listen listen
I'm studying ya u'chus listen listen
I work ya ra'botayu listen listen
and where are you from a vy ot'kuda listen listen
I'm 21 years old mne dvadtsat odin god listen listen
I don't hear it well mne p'lokho s'lyshno listen listen
please, repeat povto'rite po'zhaluista listen listen
I feel bad (health) мне плохо mne ploho listen listen
I don't feel good (health) я себя нехорошо чувствую ya sebya nekhorosho chuvstvuyu listen listen
please, help помогите, пожалуйста pomogite pozhaluista listen listen


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Where am I in Russian






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