Americans, Russians, and Sex - Interviews with Russian people in Moscow - March 2004

Author: Dimitry Paranyushkin (on 22 Dec 2009)
"My friend said Americans are like children, they are very innocent, don't have any problems in their life." - Slava

The questions below were sent to us by Way to Russia readers. Our writers go out on the streets and ask exact same questions to ordinary Russians they meet. Their answers are below. Want to ask a question? Leave a comment here or on our Facebook page.

Ilya: 19, art student

Ilya - Russian art student

Question: "Would you ever consider emigrating, and if yes, to which country?"
A: No, I wouldn't emigrate. I would go for a long time to another country, but I wouldn't settle there. If I went anywhere, it would be Australia, because of kangaroos and green forests.

Question: "What should a foreign woman do to be liked by a Russian man?"
A: Can't answer.

Question: “Do Russian people see anything in common with American people?"
A: Nothing. Maybe with Europeans, yes, but not with Americans.

Question: "Do you like Americans?"
A: No. They are the kind of people who are interested in themselves only, who care only about their own well-being and money. I also saw some Americans who were trying to imitate Eastern spirituality, but it was all fake.
I've seen some Russians who went to USA for a few months, and when they came back you couldn't recognize them: they were constantly showing off and were caring only about the style of their clothes.

Question: "Is there anything you have done so far in your life you feel proud about?"
A: My aim is to do something like that.

Question: "Do you like to travel and see new places and cultures, and which country would you most like to visit if you could travel anywhere?"
A: Yes, I would travel a lot if I had an opportunity. I would go to Australia, Thailand, China, Japan. I wouldn't go to western countries, only to France, because there are such cathedrals that you've got to see at least once in your life.

Question: "It is said that Russia is both European and not. What is the most European aspect of Russian mind, and what is the most Asian aspect?"
A: This is true, but it's hard to explain. We have everything mixed.

Question: "Are you disgusted that there are some people in Russia such as Mikhail Khodorkovsky (currently in jail) that have been able to become billionaires in less then 10 years (since the demise of the CCCP) while the average Russian worker only earns about 100 USD per month? Especially since these people have made their money by "acquiring" formerly state owned (CCCP) industries."
A: Every goverment system has people who don't behave very well, they are a part of the system. There are no ideal constructions. Unfortunately, our system is made in such a way, that honest people have very little money, and dishonest people can get a lot of money. But they will pay for what they've done after their death. Honest people should not envy them because of that.

Question: “If you had a chance to make a change in Russia's government policy, what would that be?"
A: Anything is created in such a way that it has its positive and negative sides, pluses and minuses. The harmony is based on combination of these polarities, so if something is changed abruptly, without knowing the inner mechanisms of the system, it may break. So, I wouldn't make any changes directly, I would take time to see how the system functions and see what consequences my actions may have, only then I would make any changes.

Question: "What sex in Russia is like?"
A: I guess Russian men are very emotionally calm about it. Women are different, so I can't say about them. But men are distinctly different in a way.

Question: "Is there racism in Russia?"
A: Not long ago I witnessed some moral agression expressed by a guy towards a person from Yakutia. So, I think there is racism, yes.

Question: "Why so many Russian women want to marry foreign men and leave their country?"
A: Those who want (I don't think there are many, though) might think that foreigners are more intellectual and can provide better life. I think that foreigners are not more intellectual than Russians, but surely they have more money.



Sitora, 21, student, works as a producer.


Question: "Would you ever consider emigrating, and if yes, to which country?"
A: Yes, I would go to Italy. But I would be working in Russia, anyway.

Question: "What should a foreign woman do to be liked by a Russian man?"
A: Originality, authenticity, unusual sense of humour.

Question: “Do Russian people see anything in common with American people?"
A: Respect towards parents, a will towards early independence (living alone, etc.).

Question: "Do you like Americans?"
A: People might not like them, because they think Americans are cynics.

Question: "Is there anything you have done so far in your life you feel proud about?"
A: I started to work.

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Question: "Do you like to travel and see new places and cultures, and which country would you most like to visit if you could travel anywhere?"
A: I like to travel and I like the diversity of cultures. I would to to Iceland.

Question: "It is said that Russia is both European and not. What is the most European aspect of Russian mind, and what is the most Asian aspect?"
A: European - aspiration for reforms and liberalism. Asian - people like some kind of monarchy. Moscow is a western city, though.

Question: "Are you disgusted that there are some people in Russia such as Mikhail Khodorkovsky (currently in jail) that have been able to become billionaires in less then 10 years (since the demise of the CCCP) while the average Russian worker only earns about 100 USD per month? Especially since these people have made their money by "acquiring" formerly state owned (CCCP) industries."
A: No, I feel calm about this. There are people like this in any country. If they have enough brain, then let them earn money without breaking the law.

Question: “If you had a chance to make a change in Russia's government policy, what would that be?"
A: I would increase the minimum salary.

Question: "What sex in Russia is like?"
A: It depends on the person. Men can wait longer, for women it's important. The preparation period before sex takes a lot of time.

Question: "Is there racism in Russia?"
A: Not on a large scale. Russians are interested in people who do not look like them, but there's no racism, I think.

Question: "Why so many Russian women want to marry foreign men and leave their country?"
A: To be able to live in a calm country and not to be afraid for their children.



Slava 35, a driver from Belarus

Slava - from Belarus

Question: "Would you ever consider emigrating, and if yes, to which country?"
A: Well, my friend lives in the USA and he keeps telling me: "Come, you'll live like a man", I tried, but the US embassy wouldn't allow me.

Question: "What should a foreign woman do to be liked by a Russian man?"
A: Can't say.

Question: “Do Russian people see anything in common with American people?"
A: I don't know... My friend said Americans are like children, they are very innocent, don't have any problems in their life.

Question: "Is there anything you have done so far in your life you feel proud about?"
A: No.

Question: "Do you like to travel and see new places and cultures, and which country would you most like to visit if you could travel anywhere?"
A: No.

Question: "Are you disgusted that there are some people in Russia such as Mikhail Khodorkovsky (currently in jail) that have been able to become billionaires in less then 10 years (since the demise of the CCCP) while the average Russian worker only earns about 100 USD per month? Especially since these people have made their money by "acquiring" formerly state owned (CCCP) industries."
A: No, I just feel that unfortunately I'm not one of them :-).

Question: “If you had a chance to make a change in government policy, what would that be?"
A: Well, you know in Belarus we have a complete mess in politics. I would lower the taxes, they are too high in Belarus.

Question: "What sex in Russia is like?"
A: I'm not Kazanova, but from my experience it's very good. I think

Question: "Is there racism in Russia?"
A: Not really, no.

Question: "Why so many Russian women want to marry foreign men and leave their country?"
A: I don't think there are many women like this, but the reason might be the money.


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