Brief History of Russia — from the 7th century till the present day
History is a tricky subject, so instead of trying to pretend that we have any academic background in it, we just wrote our own story about Russia from the ancient times up to the present days. Something very subjective, almost as if we're telling about the Russian history to our friends. So, please, don't take it as an academic research or anything like that. What you find below is our personal subjective vision of how the history developed and how it affected the country we live in now.
The Ancient Rus' – from 7 to 13 Century
The tribes of the Eastern Slavs – the ancient ancestors of Russians – occupied Eastern European Valley around 7th century.
The Mongol Yoke – 13 to 15 Century
In 13th century Kievan Rus’ was attacked by Mongol Empire.
The Expansion Period – 16 to 18 Century
The time from the 16th to 18th century was the period of expansion.
The 19th Century, Decembrists, End of Serfdom, Reforms
After the death of Peter the Great and until the second half of 19th century Russia remained ambitious and aggressive empire.
20th Century – Revolution, Communists, USSR, Stalin's Industrialisation
The first half of the 20th century was a turbulent time for Russia.
World War 2, Cold War, The Fall of Communism
The World War Two was a transformative event for Russia.
Present-Day: Capitalism, Sovereign Democracy, Eltsin, and Putin - Russian History
With the communism's collapse, the binary opposition between communism and capitalism ceased to exist, with Russia finding itself on the verge of a havoc.
Famous Russians and Nobel Laureates - People we are proud about
Below you can find a list of the important and outstanding people that we, Russians, are proud about.