Consumerism and Existence - Interviews with Russian people in Moscow - November 2003
Nikolay, 21, doing his masters in management, works as a part-time accountant and has his own business |
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Question #2: "Do you think life in Russia is very weird?" Question #7: "What do you do for fun?" Question #8: "How to Russian people treat each other" Question #9: "What the russia people think about the russian cars, in comparation with japanese cars, or american cars" Question #10: "Why Russians can face life only through drinking vodka and hiding behind the mask of indifference?" Question #11: "What Russian books do you like?" |
Dan, 21, doing his masters in management and has his own business |
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Question #1: "What do you think of America and itsworld-dominating politics. Or do you have enough problems in Russia itself, not to worry too much about that?" Answer: USA is a mighty empire now and doesn't care much about interests of other countries. The real power within US is business, I guess, all the politics is made by corporations. USA as the superpower will collapse soon, there is no real cultural paradigm which can support the economical and military conquest of the world by USA. Question #2: "Do you think life in Russia is very weird?" Question #7: "What do you do for fun?" Question #8: "How to Russian people treat each other"
Question #9: "What the russia people think about the russian cars, in comparation with japanese cars, or american cars" Question #10: "Why Russians can face life only through drinking vodka and hiding behind the mask of indifference?" Question #11: "What Russian books do you like?" |
Dmitri, 22, doing his post-graduate studies, has his own business |
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Question #1: "What do you think of America and its world-dominating politics. Or do you have enough problems in Russia itself, not to worry too much about that?" Answer: I think America is both great and horrible, like Russia. Although I haven't been there, I guess it's a very diverse country where different cultures mix together, so I would like to avoid generalisations. I can say that I don't agree with America's politics (both world-dominating intentions and gradual shift towards the police state), but this means only that I don't agree with Bush, I still respect this country and its people. As for the American people, I noticed that what I like in some Americans is their openess, sincerity and ability to achieve their goals, and what I don't like is exaggerated individualism, giving too much importance to money, and being stuck in a pre-determined way of thinking. However, everybody is different. Question #2: "Do you think life in Russia is very weird?" Answer: Yes, it's quite weird, but I guess this can be said about any other country. What I think what makes it weird is a higher degree of uncertainty, allowing much more space for movement. Sometimes it goes into chaotic, sometimes it gets to something really interesting. I think it depends how you treat this weirdness -- if you're used to complain about things, you'll get into chaos, if you adapt to it, you catch this weirdness as a wave and go with it :-) Question #3: "How Russian newscasters report news to their viewers, including women?" Answer: I think all media in all countries is expressing the point of view of its owner, so they are all very biased. Russia is not an exception. That's why I don't care about TV channels being taken by the government, because they were never independent anyway, in my opinion. And I think in some way it can even be good to make mass media in Russia (TV especially) follow a certain line at least for a few years while the economy and social organisation is going through transitional period. Question #4: "Are Russians okay with people from Finland and Sweden now? Long ago we had many wars..." Answer: Yes, I think generally Russians like Finnish people because they think that Finnish are the only ones who can drink as much as them, and Sweden is respected because of the high standards of life. Quesiton #5: "What are prices and taxes like in Russia?" Question #7: "What do you do for fun?" Question #8: "How do Russian people treat each other" Question #9: "What the russia people think about the russian cars, in comparation with japanese cars, or american cars" Question #10: "Why Russians can face life only through drinking vodka and hiding behind the mask of indifference?" Question #11: "What Russian books do you like?" Question #12: "What do you think about Mexican people?" |
Some of the past comments are below – leave yours!
Comment (14/12/03): "I am happy to read that many of you don't judge others based on the country they are from. I am a Mexican/American girl looking to experience Russia. Do you have any important tips or suggestions when planning my trip?"