Russian People Interviews

Author: Dimitry Paranyushkin (on 28 Aug 2018)
Instead of writing about Russian people (that is, ourselves) and being inevitably subjective, we decided to let them talk and leave the freedom to be judgemental to our readers :). To make it more interesting, our correspondents ask the questions, which you can send us through the form on our site or via a tweet to @waytorussia.

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Russian People Interviews

Instead of writing about Russian people (that is, ourselves) and being inevitably subjective, we decided to let them talk and leave the freedom to be judgemental to our readers :).

Ask a Russian Person Any Question You Want

The best way to learn about another culture is to ask directly.

On Work, Racism, and Foreign Men - Interviews with Russians in Moscow - July 2003

"There are some political parties in Russia that want to unite people with nationalist ideas, because they can't propose anything else.