Travellers' Websites:
Here we list the most interesting independent travellers' websites. If you know an internet site or page that you think is good, send a link to us and we'll put it here.
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>> Page 2 - Travellers' Websites
Links to Interesting Travelers Websites:
New: Grand Russia Tour
A group of independent travelers from Russia are going to cross the whole country by car from Vladivostok to St. Petersburg in July - August 2005. Read about their journey or join in and take part in this adventure!
Quote: ".. Opening the world you open yourself. We love life in constant motion. We like adventures, we don`t appeal to save all and everything.We just love our country...." | clicks:
Terra Unlimited
Christoph Wienecke — the guy who is traveling around the world with his motorbike. He has already been to many Russian cities and his website features a lot of interesting stories and photos taken on his trip. Highly recommended.
Quote: "..But then, the excitement is taking over. Every day is different, totally. You never know what's behind the next corner, but you will find out..." | clicks:
Landy Round the World
A group of people who want to experience the world overland. At the moment they are going to travel by car (Land Rover) from Europe to Cape Town.
Quote: "..Because my worst nightmare is to get old and grey, thinking about all the things I didn't do... " | clicks:
Hitchhiking in Russia & Ukraine by Peter Reitsma
A very interesting account of one man's hitchhiking trip through Russia and Ukraine in Summer 2004. With photos.
Quote: ".. In the meantime, the shepherd had joined us and impressed me by smoking a self rolled cigarette out of newspaper paper and tobacco. He had no teeth left and I was unable to understand his questions.... " | clicks:
An American Adventure Across Russia - Belly Button
Russia experiences and real stories organized by country. There seem to be not so many new stories, but the old ones are interesting nevertheless.
Quote: "Last night I went to the Miss Ekaterinburg Beauty Competition. Ekaterinburg is one of the larger cities in Russia with about 2-3 million people. I must be honest I went to the competition just to watch the girls." | clicks:
Turtle Expeditions
Those travelers were perhaps the first foreigners who crossed Russia from the East to West border by car. See an account of their trip and information and photos about their other travels around the world on this website.
Quote: "Cold front swept over the area, and camping on the Kyubyume River for the night, we had a low of -87 oF (-66 oC) . We let our engine run all night, but in the morning, we had to use low range 4X4 to gently brake the tires loose from where they had frozen to the ground!!" | clicks:
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